
作者: 時間:2023-03-06 點擊數:






在社會兼職方面,擔任《食品工業科技》、《輕工學報》、《食品研究與開發》等中文核心期刊編委擔任Industrial Crops and Products, Foods等十餘個SCI雜志審稿人。




1)L.J. Song, P.Z. Liu, Y.Z. Yan, Y. Huang, B.Y. Bai, X.J. Hou, L. Zhang. Supercritical CO2 fluid extraction of flavonoid compounds from Xinjiang jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) leaves and associated biological activities and flavonoid compositions [J]. Industrial Crops & Products 2019,139, 111508.

2)L.J. Song, L. Zhang, L. Xu, Y. Ma, W. Lian, Y. Liu, Y.H. Wang. Optimized extraction of total triterpenoids from Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) and comprehensive analysis of triterpenic acids in different cultivars [J]. Plants 2020, 9, 412.

3)M.W. Jiang, S.C. You...L.J. Song*. Detection of Alternaria alternata infection in winter jujubes based on optical properties and their correlation with internal quality parameters during storage[J]. Food Chemistry, 2023 (409) 135298.

4)S.C. You, M.W. Jiang, ...L.J. Song*. Assessment ofthe optical propertieswith physicochemical properties andcell wall polysaccharides of Korlapear flesh during Alternaria alternata-induced disease development [J]. Food Chemistry, 2022 (24) 135302.

5)L.J. Song, J. Zheng, L. Zhang, S.J. Yan, W.J. Huang, J. He, P.Z. Liu. Phytochemical profiling and fingerprint analysis of chinese Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) leaves of 66 cultivars from Xinjiang province [J]. Molecules 2019, 24, 4528.

6)L. Zhang, P.Z. Liu, ..., L.J. Song*. Identification and antioxidant activity of flavonoids extracted from Xinjiang Jujube (Ziziphus jujube Mill.) leaves with ultra-high pressure extraction Technology [J]. Molecules 2019, 24, 122.

7)P.Z. Liu, L.L. Li, L.J. Song*, X.T. Sun, S.J. Yan, W.J. Huang. Characterisation of phenolics in fruit septum of Juglans regia Linn. by ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with Orbitrap mass spectrometer [J]. Food Chemistry 2019, 286, 669–677.

8)L. Han, M. Chen, ...L.J. Song*. Discrimination of different oil types and adulterated safflower seed oil based on electronic nose combined with gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry [J]. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2022 (114) 104804.

9)Q.Q. Wang, S.Q. Liu, L. Xu, B. Du, L.J. Song*. Purification, characterization and bioactivities of polysaccharides extracted from Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) [J]. Molecules 2023, 28, 596.

10)L.J. Song, Shiqi Liu, Li Zhang, et al., Polysaccharides from Nitraria retusa Fruit: Extraction, Purification, Structural Characterization, and Antioxidant Activities [J]. Molecules 2023, 28, 1266.

11)X Gu, L.Q. Pan* and L.J. Song*. Multisource fingerprinting for region identification of walnuts in Xinjiang combined with chemometrics [J]. Journal of Food Process Engineering. 2018: e12687.

12)D.J. Song* and L.J. Song*. Black heart detection in white radish by hyperspectral transmittance imaging combined with chemometric analysis and a successive projections algorithm [J]. Applied sciences 2016.09.06.

13)發明專利:宋麗軍,等. 一種強抗氧化性核桃油軟膠囊及其制備方法 (ZL 201611042630.0);

14)發明專利:宋麗軍,等. 一種核桃産地溯源研究方法(ZL 201710257693.6);

15)發明專利:宋麗軍,等. 一種糧油作物幹燥裝置(ZL 201810104175.2)(已轉化)。

16)地方标準:地理标志産品 柘城辣椒(DB41/T 1966-2020)。

17)吳潇霞, 陳楠, 宋麗軍*. 大果白刺多糖的物理特性及抗氧化活性研究[J].食品工業科技, 2021,42(23):87−94.

18)趙岩, 于鑫淼, ...,宋麗軍*. 青海管花肉苁蓉不同部位的功能性成分及其抗氧化活性[J].食品工業科技, 2022, 43 (11): 318-325.

19)魏玉萍, 趙岩, ...,宋麗軍*. 超聲波輔助提取管花肉苁蓉苯乙醇苷工藝優化及其抗氧化活性研究[J]. 食品工業科技, 2022, 43 (13): 148-155.

20)王平, 王瓊瓊, ...,宋麗軍*. 智能指示标簽的制備及其在牛肉新鮮度監測中的應用[J]. 食品工業科技, 2022, 43(8): 22-30.

21)于鑫淼,王平, ...,宋麗軍*. pH敏感型智能指示薄膜的制備及其理化特性研究[J]. 輕工學報, 2022 (3): 26-35.

22)梁力平,宋麗軍*. 新疆99個品種紅棗有機酸測定及其多元統計分析[J]. 食品研究與開發,2022 (10): 181-188.











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